Tuesday, December 29, 2009



Monday, December 28, 2009


ak takde bende nak post.hahaha!


aku ade satu pengakuan nk buat kt kau.<---(seseorang) haha!. tp ak x nk ltk name ko. sbb? adelah sebabnye. sape yg terasa tu. hmm. bek ko tnye ak sape org tu oke?

aku nk ckp kt KAU. aku sebenarnye benci kt KAU. sebab? sebab? sebab? perlu ke? haha! sebab aku benci lah. kau tu suke menyebok! ape yg org buat,semua kau nk buat. ape yg orang suke, semua kau nak suke. menyebok lah ko! ak benci kau lah. mungkin aku kejam. but, who cares. i dont need you in my life. sebab? kau suke menyusahkan orang lain. penyebok! penyusah!<---(penyusah? haha! bantai!).aku tak suke tu ! padahal sebelum nie sebok ngan bende lain, bile ktorg suke, baru kau nak suke. kau mmg penyebok! aku benci kau! the end! the end! ak malas nk g taw ko sebab. kau tak pernah nak ngaku kesalahan kau. cakap orang je lebih. aku benci kau lah!

Monday, December 21, 2009


okay there's a news bout they coming to Malaysia this January. and Im fucking excited bout it! dah plan macam2 lah ngan intan. nk g PC die lah. cncert die lah(macam boleh),nk beli itulah inilah. then suddenly dorg tsM ckp dorg mingt not comt to Malaysia! arggghh!!!!!!! kenapa?? mengapa?? aishh. im pissed off macam org gile taw x? tp cncrt kt bangkok x cancel lak. just postponed jeh. bodo lah. ish! bengang!

Friday, December 4, 2009


cehh.ade seorang budak nie.bajet die bagoss.haha! memang ahh.semua orang bajet die bagos.tol tak? tipu la klu ko x bajet.ak pon bajet gak peh.haaa.nie la ak nk cite.psl seorang budak x kenang budi.orang dah kawan dengan die pon da cukop bagosss.bajet jeh. bg %&&&^&^^%$%$$@#@( kang, baru taw.

so, ktorang dah plan nk kua aritu.and kami ajak semua orang. x kire kaum. tp ajak orang yang rapat lah. budak nie pulak. kire RAPAT la gakkk ngan ktorg. so, ktorg invite je lah. then, one day. die ym aku, die tnye leh x nk ajak budak "H". aku x cakap bole , x cakap x bole pon.then,tbe2 die msg aku,die ckp dak tu nk ikot. siap tnye kul bpe sume. ak pon terkejot beruk ahh kann. tetibe jehhhh dah confirm.

then, ak g taw semua orang penting tkg pasal budak nie nak ikot. mereka berkata, 'ktorg oke jeh. tp nnt x selesa lah. die kwn korg bukan kwn ktorg. ktorg x kenal pon die. lgpon kite de bawak dak2 chinese ann. dorg x kenal dak "H" tu. nnt dorg pon x selesa ann?'. then ak decide, x nak ajak dak "H" nie.

Seperti biase, ari rabu de klas add math. ak pon pegi lah cm biase. mood baek punye! then budak pompuan nie dtg kt aku, die ckp. " we, dak "H" nk ikot. die tnye kul bpe sok" ak dgn selambanya berkata. "L, aku x ckp die bole ikot pon. npe ko ajak?" then die tros buat muke and blahh cmtu jehh. ak pon diam je lah. x kuase ak nk memujuk.

Time tgh belajar, ak pggl die. "we L, ko da ckp kt H ke blom?". then, die pandang aku, buat muke cm taik. angguk,jeling,tros pndg depan. dlm hati aku, "&%&$@#$%^&*(()(&*&^%%$@@!!!!!!!!!!! ahhh,lantak lahh... pahal ak nk piki psl die lakk an. ingat aku kesahh? pidahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

then,ktorg kua cm yg dirancang, happy,x terbeban,gembira,aman,x saket hati. penoh dgn keharmonian.

time kuar tu, member aku ckp. " ehhhhhhh! ko de bace x psl bdk L nie punye blog? die ann (blaaaa......blaaaaaaaaaaa..blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....)<---------bercerita. ak pon terkejot ahh. baru td aku bace blog die, bajet sehhhhhh.serious ak ckp. bajet gile!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahha! bangge2 kuar ngan dak tu. ingt ktorg peduli?! we dont care lah! at allllll! x mamposs pon tgok org berdua kuar. hahah! kwn2 aku pon ckp cmtu taw.

ak da malas nk bercerita, ak taw korg x faham. tp klu korg berada di tempat aku. mesti korg nak bunoh minah x kenang budi tu. memang x kenang budi.

Untuk 'budak x kenang budi', ko sepatotnye appreciate ktorg, sebab ktorg nie emas taw x? haha! EMAS beb! emas! and, ktorg x mati pon x kawan ngan ko. rasenye, lg aman kot. ko tu,bile time x de kawan, terhegeh cari ktorg gak. lantak lahh ko nak benci ak ke ape ke. yg paling penting, kt luar tu, ramai orang benci ko dr benci aku taw x?? haha! rasenye lah. ak x peduli pon orang benci aku ke tak. janji aku bahagia. aku ade kawan2 yang boleh dipercayai, yg sentiase menegur antara satu sama lain bile x puas hati. bukan cm ko, x puas hati je, ajak orang lain anti ktorg. x nak tego la, ape laa. blahhh ahhh wee. pengikot ko x ramai. haha! blahhh ahh. blahhhh. nie klu aku suh budak "N" ketot tu ngumpat and tulis psl ko kt sini, msti gempak punye doe! ahahaha!

pesanan tuk ko, gth la wehhhh. kami pon BENCI ko lah. haha!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


hahahahahaah! gile x bley blaaa.

merdeka baby! merdeka!

at last, merdeka juga akhirnya setelah hampir 2 minggu berperang dgn exam. exam kali nie gile babi susa weh. lagi2 addmath ngan chemy. mmg cam *&&%#%&*(##$%!!!!!!
haih. x taw la an markah nnt cmne. 1 je aku harap, ktorg x turun kelas. tu jeh. tolong lah. jgn la ade orang yang turun klas, atau orang yang naik kelas ktorg. tolonglah!
aku benci org yang suke menyemak.
neway, ari selasa nnt nk g kilang roti gardenia. hahha! mak ak ckp da tue pon nk g kilang roti. haha! nk lari dr exam sbnrnye. next week tggl est,pjk and sivik. merdeka 1 bulan. and haloooooo! from 5! spm! blahhhh! mmg hidop x aman la thn depan. dgn tuition nye lagi.klas tmbhn lg. x sabar nk g hari graduasi. best jeh ak tgok thn nie. ak harap thn depan buat kt mpaj. klas sket. haha! uhm. x taw nk tlis pe lg. bye!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Final Exam!! Argggghhh!

lebey kurang sminggu dr sekarang, exam akan start.
and aku cuak gileeeeeee..cz x abes study lagi.
seriously ouh. aku takot sgt.
takot turun kelas.
ak x mau!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and smingu dr sekarang gak.
ktorg kne wat choral speaking tuk hari graduasi.
tgl 3 hari je tuk practice.
and, ade budak2 sial yg tarik diri saat2 akhir.
at last, ktorg tgal 18 org je.
bygkan choral speaking 18 orang jea???!!!
bodoh ke x? bangang ke x?
awal2 dulu x nak trik diri, skang bru nak.
mmg *&^@^&*((&^%%$$<>:"{}#*****
bengang aku lahh.

berbalik pada exam yg start pada 27/10. ak x abes study lg nie weh.
physics, bio, chemy,add math. math.history,and.. sume lahh
cuak kebebeh weh.
korg doa kan lah aku berjaya dunia akhirat yeah!

Lee Min Ho;Gu Jun Pyo

"Etude House Spokesmodel Lee Min Ho to Tour Asia 2009. Korean actor and star of the drama 'Boys Over Flowers', Lee Min Ho will tour Asia from October 23-25, 2009 to promote the Etude House brand overseas.

The promotional tour starts in Taiwan on the 23rd, proceeds to Singapore on the 24th and concludes in Malaysia on the 25th. For details of his visit, check local listings for the times and places."

--baca tak?? hahaha! yayyy! ditunda rupanya. haha! tp kat mane???

Sunday, October 4, 2009

lee min ho headed to Singapore [wtf dude!] why not Malaysia????

min-ho unicef

…for another fan meeting.

Popular entertainer, Lee Min-ho, is set to head to Singapore to attend a store opening ceremony and host a fan meeting sometime in October.

Lee Min-ho, who is currently a model for the cosmetic brand, will be making the trip in order to attend the opening ceremony for the Etude House’s second outlet at Ion Orchard, which officially opened its doors on September 9th. Min-ho will also hold a fan meeting sometime during his two day, one night stay. All that is known so far is that the actor is expected to arrive in Singapore on October 10th. Details about the fan meeting (including time and date of the event) have yet to be announced.

In other Min-ho news, the singer has recently been named an ambassador for the UNICEF Love Net campaign geared toward helping end the spread of malaria in Africa. Glad to see that Min-ho’s using his current popularity to help those in need…and not just to sell beer.

Here’s a video of Min-ho promoting awareness ~

Thursday, September 24, 2009


To all of my friends and muslims.
selamat hari raya aidilfitri!
happy eid!
maaf zahir dan batin.

aku x taw nak ckp pe lg.


"Confidence is the most important thing you can teach someone... if you can teach them confidence, you don't have to teach them anything else."

Thursday, September 17, 2009

45 things a girl wants but wont ask for

1. Touch her waist.

2. Actually talk to her.

3. Share secrets with her.

4. Give her 1 of your sweat shirts.

5. Kiss her slowly.

Are you remembering this?

6. Hug her.

7. Hold her.

8. Laugh with her.

9. Invite her somewhere.

10. Hangout with her and your friends together. And don't ignore her.


11. Smile with her.

12. Take pictures with her.

13. Pull her onto your lap.

14. When she says she loves you more, deny it. Fight back.

15. When her friends say i love her more than you, deny it. fight back and hug her tight so she can't get to her friends. it makes her feel loved.

Are you thinking of someone?

16. Always hug her and say hi whenever you see her.

17. Kiss her unexpectedly.

18. Hug her from behind around the waist.

19. Tell her she's beautiful.

20. Tell her the way you feel about her.

21. Open doors for her, walk her to her car- it makes her feel protected, plus it never hurts to act like a gentleman.

22. Tell her she's your everything - ONLY if you mean it.

23. If it seems like there is something wrong, ask her- if she denies something being wrong, it means SHE DOESN'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT- so just hug her

24. Make her feel loved.

25. Kiss her in front of OTHER girls you know

26. DON'T lie to her

27. DON'T cheat on her!!!

28. Take her ANYWHERE she wants

29. Text message or call her in the morning and tell her have a good day at work {or school} and how much you MISS her.

30. Be there for her when ever she needs you, & even when she doesn't need you, just be there so she'll know that she can ALWAYS count on you.


31. Hold her close when she's cold so she can hold YOU too.

32. When you are ALONE hold her close and kiss her.

33. Kiss her on the CHEEK (it will give her the hint that you want to kiss her)

34. While in the movies, put your arm around her and then she will automatically put her head on your shoulder, then lean in and tilt her chin up and kiss her LIGHTLY.

35. Don't EVER tell her to leave even joking or act like you're mad.


36. When people DIS her, stand up for her.

37. Look deep into her EYES and tell her you love her.

38. Lay down under the STARS and put her head on your chest so you can

39. When walking next to each other grab her HAND.

40. When you hug her HOLD her in your arms as long as possible

41. Call or text her EVERY night to wish her SWEET DREAMS

42. COMFORT her when she cries and wipe away her tears.

43. Take her for LONG walks at night.

44. ALWAYS Remind her how much you love her.

45. If you break up but still like her, don't act like a jerk. be a man and do something about it.

Sunday, September 6, 2009



1. A Bitch?: ahahha! no iguess
2. Are you tall? quite
4. In your pajamas? nahh
5. Left handed? No i am not


1. Friend you saw: Alya
2. Talked to on the phone: Lyana
3. Person to text you: Nada
4. Was today better than yesterday: IDK


1. Number: dont have. i like all
2. Color: blue
3. Food: it can be anything u know
4. Place: LA,CA


Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
Q: What's the last movie you watched in theaters?
A: idr
Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: grandma's house
Q: Do you smile often?:
A: mhm,all the time.
Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: no.
Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: yess
Q: Where did you sleep last night?
A: in a beeed.
Q: Why did you sleep there?
A: causee'i felt like it?
Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: idr
Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
A: food
Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great?
A: 7
Q: What do you hear right now?
A. radio
Q: Does anything hurt right now?
A: my stomach
Q: What's your favorite month?
A: every month
Q: How many kids do you want/have?
A: 3


1. Are you missing someone right now?:Always.
2. Are you happy?:yahh.
3. Are you sad?:naw
4. Are you bored?:yah
5. Are you excited?:naw
6. Are you nervous?:naw
7. Are you single?:yess.haha
8. Are you tired?:mhm
9. Are your parents still married?:yess
10. Do you have a crush on someone right now?: nope

Tuesday, September 1, 2009



argghhh! cant wait for this movie. nk tgk edward cullen! rindu die! bahh! cepat lah movie nie kuar. cant wait gile2 lah. neway, klu korg pasan. kt atas nie ade 2 set of make-up. yg nie kluaran twilight. first gamba tu set LUNA. i think its more to edward and bella. and the second pic tu VOLTURI. bole thn gak ouh. ni je yg ak nk tls sbnrnye. hehe


Thursday, August 27, 2009

one day. i want a boy who..

I want a boy who will move the hair away from my eyes, and then kiss me.
Who will hold my hand in line at the mall and make all the girls jealous.
A pretty boy, but not so pretty that I feel awkward.
A boy who thinks I'm b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l.
A boy who will sing to me at random moments.
Who lets me sleep on his chest.
I want a guy who will tell his mother I have beautiful eyes, a guy who will bring me orange juice when I'm sick, who writes songs about me because he doesn't know any other way to tell me how he feels.
I want a boy who is more goofy than romantic, but knows the right things to say at the right times.
I want a boy who will call me 3 times a day if he went away.
A boy who will apologize for calling too much, and no matter how many times I tell him its okay, he'd still do it.
A boy who will let me gossip to him and just smile and agree with everything I say.
A boy who will throw stuffed animals at me when I acted dumb and then jump on me and kiss me a million times.
I want a boy who will write me notes in class, and give me flowers every once in a while for no real reason at all.
Who will bet kisses on who could beat who on at game.
Who makes fun of me just to make me laugh.
A boy who will surprise me with 25 cent ring and we could have contest of how far we can spit our gum.
Who will take me to the park, put his hands around my waist and give me big bear hugs all the time.
A boy who will kiss my neck, just to have a reason to tell me how much he loves my new perfume.
I want a boy who, at night, who will dance in his pajamas with me.
A boy who will take pictures in photo booths with me, someone who will never turn down a trip to the lake and who will play tag on the beach with me. Who will tell all his friends about me and smile when he does it.
A boy who could sit with me on the kitchen floor and eat sandwiches.
Who will make out with me in the pouring rain and will tell me when he doesn't think something looks good.
I want a boy who would try to teach me how to play the guitar, even if we just end up laughing at each other.
I want a boy who will run his fingers through my hair, share his lollipops with me, and get along with all of my friends.
Someone who would never be afraid to say I love you in front of his friends and someone who would argue with me about silly things just to make up.
I want a boy who will take me to Target to just make fun of some of the stuff there.
Someone who will kiss me at midnight on New Years and who will make funny faces at me when I'm on the phone.
I want a boy who will count stars with me and be friends with my family.
I want a boy who will stay home with me on a Friday night just to help me make dinner and watch movies together under the same blanket.
Someone who will squirt water guns at me in the house after I've got him soaked.
I want a boy who looks me the eye and tell me something serious, that was also funny and make me promise not to laugh.
A boy who could make me laugh like no one else can.
I want a boy who will hold me closer than normal when I'm sick, and would play with my hair.
But mostly I want a boy who is my best friend and will always be there for me.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Who would you count on to….

Make you smile?
Make you laugh?
my friends
Have the best music?
yahh. dont want to say it
Be the most perverted?
i think it's alia
Give the best advice?
Dance the best?
Be your shoulder to cry on?
all of my bestfriends.
Do something stupid with you?
i think... it's alya,alia,intan.haha!
Teach you the most?
Gang up on other kids with you?
haha! uhmm
Rob a bank with you?
Go to the with you?
Hurt you the most?
my friends
Dance crazy in public and dont give a crap what others think?
haha! all my close friends
Be the mother figure of your “group”?


what did i do?

all i ever do,
is be nice.

i treat everybody,
very nicely. ugh.sometimes. hehe

and sometimes...
people are just...rude.
just plain rude.

i am really a nice kid.
but...i'm honestly sick,
and tired,
to my core,
of not getting the same love back.
all i ever do,
is give love.
love love love.
but half of the people,
don't acknowledge it.

not venting.
just letting you all know.
good night, or whatever.

go die?
i can be mean...but choose not to be.
because being mean,
is so overrated.


Friday, July 31, 2009


haha! Karnival Sukan Sekolah sudah tibee. ak masok netball. 5 team jeh yg ade. and team ak kala. xdapat masok final. tp x pe la kan.at least ak cube. ahli2 team aku ialah :
  1. nur nadhirah anuar
  2. aliah nadhirah ibrahim
  3. intan nurshafiqah ismady
  4. wendy chen
  5. Pavitra nadarajah
  6. Peggy leong

hah. 1MAlAYSIA takk? haha! walopon ktorg kala, ktorg men dgn bagos sekali. at least ktorg cube. x heranlah kala.adat pertandingan ann. beberapa minggu sblm pertandingan, ktorg wat latihan kt padang shell. dari pukul 2 hingge 6. haha! gile penat ouhh. and gile itamm. tapi best gileee. syokkk sgt2. ktorg enjoyy jehh. tgh2 berlatih tu, bnyak gile kemalangan yg berlaku. bibir aku pecah & berdarah alia wat. itam bibir ak.da cm bibir negro dah,haha! syida plak kaki luka. ade yg jatoh, berlanggar and macam2 lg lah. tp best jeh. gelak2.saket pon ilang.bodo gilee.mmg x puas ati team ak kala.tapi ape bole buat.team len terel2.susa nk beat.tp, thanks to all my friends and senior2 yg sokong team T.2.N.terima kaseh.. mmmuaxxxx.
i love you!
p/s: kt atas nie ialah gamba2 mase ktorg berlatih. yahh.enjoyy.haha!

tension nye hidopp!

hidopp nie tension sgt2! x taw nape. ak rase cam aku nie hidop sorg2.
macam x de sape dalam dunia nie yang ak kenal.
ak ade ramai kwn, and most of them paham aku.
tapi, ak x berapa happy. and i really dont know why.
im sorry guys, ak slalu bad mood kebelakangan nie. slalu jek mara2.
hidop ak macam x menentu. adoiii. kenapelah agaknye yekk.
x kan lah sebab uzur kot. macam arini kan, dorg tibe2 cancel futsal. suddenly plak tuh! ak punye mengamok. mak oiii. cam gile. macam dorg ceraikan aku.
sewel ape aku nie nk mara2 sebab tu jeh. sampai x bertego plak tuh dengan dorg. mmg ak serba sala, tp ak nie keras kepala nak mampos. susa siket nak mintak maap kt org len.
itulah keburukan aku. adoiii. camne nk ubah pon x taw lah. but, who cares right? (uhm,but i think my friends care.lol.sbb dorg slalu kene mara)


hidop memang tension.selalu tension. dengan cikgu yang memakse and terlalu berharap kt klas ktorg. adoooiiii.
dorg ingat ktorg nie ape? dak 4sc1 je,pandai la. pendiam la. yang paling aku x puas hati, ade cikgu tu cakap, lg pandai se2org tu, lg sombong,berlagak and kurang ajar budak tu. lagi2,budak kelas sains. mentang2 kelas pandai, kelas atas. berlagak & sombong dengan cikgu
wtf man!!
ape bukti cikgu nak cakap cmtu? mungkin budak skola len camtu,but, dak klas 4sc1 SMKTS bukan camtu okay. cikgu x bole nak cakap cmtu. lgpon,cikgu baru kt skola ni ,baru je mengajar ktorg. cikgu x kenal ktorg lg okay! blahhhhhh!
nie yg ak x puas ati nie.banyak lagi ak nk tulis sebenarnye, tp x bole nk luahkan sumenye kt sini.
yela, takot2 ade mulot yg cm siall g taw plak kt cikgu tu ann.
anything can happen.
org, kalo da berniat jahat,mmg sanggop buat ape je. ramai org kt dunia nie, manusia bertopeng kan setan.

k ahh, sampai disini sahaja coretan ku kali ini.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

boring gile hujong minggu nie.
nk tgok cite harry potter
tp x bole kluar la plak.
kn best jd butterfly
bole terbang terbang sesuke hati.
anyway, selasa nie ade pertandingan menembak M-16 and revolver.
x sabo!

Monday, July 6, 2009

to my dearest fren.
heppy beday!
moge ko pnjg umo n mura rezki!
hope ko hepy slalu.
frenz forever!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

buah dada Jayentherar

korg nak taw x?
smlm ann.
ak nampak buah dada a.k.a. tetek bala.
nie sume aki punye keje la.
die yg bukak baju bala.
ak pon, pe lg.
amek kesempatan tuk menikmati.
geli weh.
ramai yg nampak.
to bala,
ko da x de dara sbb ak da nmpak tetek ko.
klu korg x kenal bala,
dlm gamba nie,die plg itam.

Monday, June 29, 2009

hari bicara akademik

pada 27/06/09,

hari bicara akademik telah diadakan.

aku dapat no 24/38!


tak ke bengap?!

tapi tape.

ak da buat yang terbaek.



xtaw larh knpe terok sgt.

neway, ak fail BIO & ADD MATH!


nnt ujong thn study lg smart k!

Saturday, June 27, 2009


i love my school damn much!
klu ko x sayang, ko gile.
neway, thanx to my classmate& my frens cz korg sudi amek gamba dgn aku.
love u all!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

the best birthday gift ever!

date : 15.06.09.
thanks to : aliah nadhirah bt ibrahim (BFF)
reason : sebab ko bg ak adiah tu. walaupon x berharge, ak ttp menghargainye (ececeh)

Friday, May 29, 2009

sekitar hari guru.


hari guru SMKTS diadakan pd 29.05.09.

x best sgt tahon nie.

x taw npe.


and ak x bg hadiah ponn.

kuang asam gile.

well,pape pon.

sayangilah guru anda.