hee hooo huuu.
it's saturday and I am doing some revision for maths since next week got test.
and preparing also for my presentation which suppose to be 3weeks ago but due to the holidays and some technical problem it's postponed till next week IF and ONLY IF others tak buat hal.
so, this is some of my coursemate! :D
but not all of them inside coz got some other guys who are not sporting enough to join us.
but nevermind. we had fun !
i love the girls and some of the guys except the guys who are too serious and not fun to be with. ngegeghehehhe
Evil much but I dont think they care right.
tapi memandangkn I'm gonna spend my 4years of degree with them, I hope at least sem 2 nanti dorg da jadi more open with us , the girls. adios.